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licenseE salesperson

PH: +64 212940791

Jasmine is passionate about partnering with clients to create an enjoyable and supportive real estate experience. With more than 20 years experience within the military, hospitality and insurance sectors, Jasmine has a vast array of practical skills and experiences to draw from.

Jasmine's attention to detail, down to earth and autonomous nature provide her with firm foundations for success. Her goal orientation and disciplined approach provides that unique competitive edge.

Jasmine and her family enjoy travelling and sports and getting amongst all Canterbury has to offer.

If you're thinking of selling, buying or you're just curious about the market, then please don't hesitate in contacting Jasmine.

2019/2020 - Executive
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Jasmine is passionate about partnering with clients to create an enjoyable and supportive real estate experience. With more than 20 years experience within the military, hospitality and insurance sectors, Jasmine has a vast array of practical skills and experiences to draw from.

Jasmine's attention to detail, down to earth and autonomous nature provide her with firm foundations for success. Her goal orientation and disciplined approach provides that unique competitive edge.

Jasmine and her family enjoy travelling and sports and getting amongst all Canterbury has to offer.

If you're thinking of selling, buying or you're just curious about the market, then please don't hesitate in contacting Jasmine.

2019/2020 - Executive
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real estate agent
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Stylish Seclusion on a Substantial Level!

This is a home that is truly set for family perfection! With all the ingredients orientated to ensure your everyday enjoyment you will be wise to make viewing a priority! Our owners have cherished every moment of their last 12 years here, but now a new and exciting venture is calling them to Twizel, thus a definite sale is a required solution!

This substantial home certainly offers superb living for all, no matter what age, stage or phase, the home's two levels will cater to your needs and has the flexibility to change as you need. Large-scale adjoined living areas are well positioned to take in the sun and allow for large social gatherings or can be separated when the mood requires. Impeccable indoor/outdoor flow to this private, sunny north-facing 842m2 landscaped garden, offers endless entertainment and freedom for the kids and pets to play to their hearts' content.

The large living space is flanked by the kitchen which serves the home with consummate ease, whether it's the morning toast or the Sunday roast, you're well catered too! Four bedrooms are on offer with three bedrooms and a study nook and a full family bathroom occupying the top level. The large master comes equipped with a tidy ensuite and walk-in robe, while the fourth bedroom and a third bathroom are located on the ground floor, ideal for when guests come to visit!

Set down a short private driveway, there is plenty of off-street parking, perfect for the boat, caravan or other toys to be secure, while a double garage plus workshop is certainly a bonus! It is currently set up as a games room and is definitely a place to keep the kids entertained! Also zoned for great schooling options including Burnside High School, you can rest assured this is a sound purchase!

Secluded and sought-after locations such as this are not easy to find and couple this with our owners clear instructions to sell, we strongly suggest your immediate attention & action!

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15 Dunvegan

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Panorama list:
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15 Dunvegan Place, Harewood

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Jasmine Rohland
licensee salesperson

PH: +64 212940791
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Stylish Seclusion on a Substantial Level!

This is a home that is truly set for family perfection! With all the ingredients orientated to ensure your everyday enjoyment you will be wise to make viewing a priority! Our owners have cherished every moment of their last 12 years here, but now a new and exciting venture is calling them to Twizel, thus a definite sale is a required solution!

This substantial home certainly offers superb living for all, no matter what age, stage or phase, the home's two levels will cater to your needs and has the flexibility to change as you need. Large-scale adjoined living areas are well positioned to take in the sun and allow for large social gatherings or can be separated when the mood requires. Impeccable indoor/outdoor flow to this private, sunny north-facing 842m2 landscaped garden, offers endless entertainment and freedom for the kids and pets to play to their hearts' content.

The large living space is flanked by the kitchen which serves the home with consummate ease, whether it's the morning toast or the Sunday roast, you're well catered too! Four bedrooms are on offer with three bedrooms and a study nook and a full family bathroom occupying the top level. The large master comes equipped with a tidy ensuite and walk-in robe, while the fourth bedroom and a third bathroom are located on the ground floor, ideal for when guests come to visit!

Set down a short private driveway, there is plenty of off-street parking, perfect for the boat, caravan or other toys to be secure, while a double garage plus workshop is certainly a bonus! It is currently set up as a games room and is definitely a place to keep the kids entertained! Also zoned for great schooling options including Burnside High School, you can rest assured this is a sound purchase!

Secluded and sought-after locations such as this are not easy to find and couple this with our owners clear instructions to sell, we strongly suggest your immediate attention & action!
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = 15 Dunvegan Place